Sculptures by Germaine Richier in her Paris studio. Photo courtesy of Brassaï, Françoise Guiter Collection, 2014 Artists Rights Society, New York and ADAGP, Paris.
Sculptures by Germaine Richier in her Paris studio. Photo courtesy of Brassaï, Françoise Guiter Collection, 2014 Artists Rights Society, New York and ADAGP, Paris.
Germaine Richier, La Sauterelle, 1955 - 1956. Image courtesy of Pierre Antoine, 2014 Artists Rights Society, New York and ADAGP, Paris.
Germaine Richier, La Forêt, 1953. Image courtesy of Pierre Antoine, 2014 Artists Rights Society, New York and ADAGP, Paris.
Germaine Richier in her studio on Avenue de Châtillon, Paris. Photo courtesy of Brassaï, Françoise Guiter Collection, 2014 Artists Rights Society, New York and ADAGP, Paris.
Germaine Richier, L'Eau, 1953 - 1954. Image courtesy of Pierre Antoine, 2014 Artists Rights Society, New York and ADAGP, Paris.
Germaine Richier, La Tauromachie, 1953. Image courtesy of Tom Powel Imaging Inc, 2014 Artists Rights Society, New York and ADAGP, Paris.
Germaine Richier, Don Quichotte, 1950 - 1951. Image courtesy of Michiel Elsevier Stokmans, 2014 Artists Rights Society, New York and ADAGP, Paris.