This is a bit of a stretch, but anything has to be better than the Greg Kinnear/The Kennedys mess... or that's what we're hoping when we cast Ryan Gosling as John F. Kennedy. Reasons why we think this might work: 1) Ryan Gosling's not a bad actor; 2) JFK had a very distinctive voice, and we'd like to hear Gosling play a character without that weird semi-Long Island accent he seems to have acquired; 3) If Mila Kunis is playing Jackie Kennedy, it's seems only fair that we should cast some man-candy, and something tells us this is going to be difficult when it comes to Eisenhower, Ford, Nixon etc.
Photo by Mikael Jansson.
Warrior was a surprisingly great film, and we'd like to give Nick Nolte another shot at the Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Everyone knows that the best way to win an award is to appear in a historical biopic, so we think Nolte should play former President Gerald Ford.
One of the actors Daniels has in mind to play Eugene Allen is British actor David Oyelowo. Oyelowo seems like a pretty cool guy, and an actor to watch—he has five or six films coming out in 2012 alone, including Spielberg's Lincoln biopic—so we think we'll side with Daniels on this one.
We're going to aim high and cast Kevin Spacey as our Richard Nixon. He was great as Richard III in Shakespeare's play of the same title...
Photo by Rankin.
Alas for LBJ, his involvement in Vietnam often overshadows some of his more positive Great Society policies and his integral role in the passing of the Civil Rights Act. We think that Bill Murray has the acting chops to take on Lyndon B. Johnson's dichotic presidency.
Ronald Reagan honored Eugene Allen by inviting him and his wife to a state dinner as special guests of the Reagans. We would like James Fox to play our Reagan.