Ryan Sullivan, Untitled, Maccarone, New York. On View through March 17.
Robert Morris, STEEL MESH Ls, 1988. Spruth Magers, Berlin, through Apr. 5.
Lynda Benglis, on view at Thomas Dane, London, through Mar. 17.
Gunther Forg, Untitled, 2008. Greene Naftali, New York. On view through Feb. 18.
Frances Stark, My Best Thing, 2011. Courtesy the artist and Gavin Brown's enterprise, New York; Galerie Buchholz, Cologne and Berlin; Marc Foxx, Los Angeles; and greengrassi, London. On view at PS1 through Feb.
"Sgrafo vs Fat Lava," Ceramics and Porcelains made in West Germany, 1960-1980 Curated by Nicolas Trembley. At Gisela Capitain, Cologne, through Feb. 29.
Jean-Frédéric Schnyder, Landscape IV, 1990. On view at the Swiss Institute, New York, through Feb. 28.
Martin Soto Climent, FRAME, 2012 (detail) at T293 Rome through March 7.
Andreas Slominski, Homothese, 2012, Thadeus Ropac Paris. On view through Feb 29.