Life Lessons
Life Lessons from Diane Von Furstenberg
March 3, 2022
“I was just in Java and it has about 350 active volcanoes. I’ll end up throwing myself in one. I think that would be very glamorous.”

New Again: Diana Ross
October 5, 2016
In keeping with her 1980 single, Diana Ross is coming (back) out and wants the world to know.

New Again: Jerry Hall
January 13, 2016
Jerry Hall might be known for her previous relationship with Mick Jagger, but she just announced her engagement to Rupert Murdoch. Here’s an interview with the former model and actress from 1978, when she couldn’t even entertain the thought of marriage.

New Again: Sting
August 21, 2013
This weekend, the 30th MTV Video Music Awards will take place at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Glancing at this year’s list of nominees we’re getting a little nostalgic for that first ever award ceremony in 1984, when the most nominated video was The Police’s “Every Breath You Take.”

New Again: Cher
June 12, 2013
We’ve never seen an episode of The Voice, and probably never shall, but the show momentarily captured our interest when they announced that Cher would be performing on it this Saturday.