Sam Gainsbury
August 25, 2011
Need to transform a generic show tent into a vampire’s lair? This is your woman

Emma Watson
April 16, 2009
Emma Watson didn’t have to dream about living in the magic kingdom of Harry Potter. She grew up there, plucked from school at the age of 9 to be cast as the female lead in one of the most successful movie franchises in history. As the series starts to reach its end, the most magical transformation has been that of Watson herself, no longer a precocious sidekick, now a full-grown woman.

December 19, 2008
Before Leigh Bowery and his mid-’80s London club night came along, being a freak was not considered a fine art form. Pop star and DJ Boy George remembers the legendary scene where glamorous polysexual debauchery and head-to-toe body makeup went along with the music.