Will August Park Made Us a Playlist to Boost Your Aura

Photo courtesy of Will August Park.
This is SOUND ADVICE, a weekly destination for playlists curated by Interview’s friends, enemies, and lovers. Over the past few weeks, we’ve gathered playlists from DJ Avalon, Fab Morvan, and MERLOT. This week’s installment comes from New York-based musician Will August Park, who’s fresh off of the release of his debut record, Doff. The album, which was heavily inspired by his time living in Japan, features experimental electronic sound and jazzy piano that transcends you to another dimension. While giving us the rundown on his go-to subway line and dictator style icons, Park made us the perfect ambient playlist for your morning commute. As he put it: “These are the tracks I listen to while sitting in traffic or waking up too early. Tracks that inspire me but don’t get me too jacked.”
Where do you dance? Don’t know how.
Who are your style icons? Kim Jung Un and Flea.
What’s your most-used emoji? 🤕
What downtown New York hangout spot do you avoid? E-Smoke.
You just arrived at the function. What are you drinking? Shot and beer if it’s a dive. Probably Negroni if it’s a nice place.
What’s your favorite instrument? Grandma’s piano or this Epiphone Les Paul I’ve had since I was 13.
Pick your favorite subway line: 7 train or G.
Where’s the afters? The street in front of the bar.
What was your coming-of-age soundtrack? Disconnecting by Sinking Ships (2006).
Sunglasses inside: yes or no? Don’t wear them at all.
The world is ending. What are you wearing? Naruto headband.
Who is the queen of pop? Dido.
Who do you trust most with the aux? Siri.
When’s the last time you sent a nude? The album cover of Doff is a nude.
What’s your favorite song on Doff? “Bird Language.”