Meet TWICE, The All-Girl K-Pop Group That Proves More Is More

Photo courtesy JYP Entertainment.
They say second time’s a charm, but for TWICE, the all-girl K-pop group making waves across oceans, it’s more like the ninth. While each of the group’s nine members—Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu—stand on their own, it’s the power of their collective performance that have put them on the map. Like many players in the K-pop game, the group’s success, which skyrocketed with their 2016 chart-topping single “Cheer Up,” was by design. They were formed by JYP Entertainment on the 2015 reality TV show Sixteen, in which trainees compete to form the ideal girl group—the company’s first since launching Miss A in 2010. The effort clearly paid off. Each of the group’s songs tracks an average of 200-480 million YouTube views to date, and they haven’t even released their first full-length album yet. We spoke to the members of TWICE about that album—MORE & MORE, out this month—as well as skincare, Spirited Away, and smelling like coconut.
INTERVIEW: Tell us about your new album MORE & MORE. Where did the inspiration behind the album come from?
JEONGYEON: We wanted to choose a track that is different than what we have done before. We discussed the song options with our company, and decided that the right title song to choose was “MORE & MORE.”
INTERVIEW: What’s your favorite TWICE song, or song in general?
NAYEON: My favorite song of ours is “Dance The Night Away.” Summer is coming up, and this song reminds me of making fun summer memories.
JEONGYEON: I really can’t pick a favorite. I like all the songs on this album, and from all our previous albums.
MOMO: My favorite is our song “TT.” It’s fun to sing along with fans.
CHAEYOUNG: I personally like our song “FANCY” because it was a different concept compared to the songs off the previous albums. I like the melody.
DAHYUN: I love all the TWICE songs, but want to mention a different song for this answer. I really like “WANNABE” from ITZY, because being a ‘wannabe’ means acting different than who you really are. The lyrics state, “I wanna be me. No matter if you love me or hate me. I wanna be me, one and only me.” It’s inspiring.
TZUYU: I have recently been very into Aretha Franklin’s “I Say A Little Prayer.” My favorite songs change constantly, but these days I have this song on repeat. I love to hear the cover versions on YouTube as well. I also can’t pick my favorite TWICE song. They’re all so good!
INTEVIEW: When did you realize you liked music? How old were you?
NAYEON: I think it was sometime during middle school. I really liked to sing and dance, and that’s why I decided to start as a trainee.
MOMO: I can’t remember the exact age, but I do remember being very young when I started to dance and listen to music.
JEONGYEON: I cannot remember the exact age. Maybe 10-11 years old? Very similar to Momo. I saw Rain dance on TV and decided that I wanted to sing and dance like him. Also, going to aerobics classed when I was young made me realize that I was interested in dancing.
JIHYO: I was a trainee for a long time. I am not exactly sure when I realized I wanted to be in entertainment, but I have always been really into singing, dancing, and performing.
TZUYU: I’ve wanted to do this for as long as I can remember. The first K-pop song I heard and followed during elementary school was “Nobody” by Wonder Girls.
INTERVIEW: What has been your favorite performance?
MOMO: Personally, I loved our performance for the 2018 MAMA’s. I loved our outfits and choreography. I have fond memories of our concert performances. I like to watch our fans’ reactions when we perform.
SANA: I can’t really pick one! But I will say that my favorite performances are the ones when ONCE is singing along and performing with us.
INTERVIEW: What advice would you give to a young person who wants to become a singer?
JIHYO: I am very aware that chasing your dreams can be hard, but even though it may be tough, please don’t lose sight of what you want and continue to do your best at that.
MINA: You don’t know when the opportunity will come to you, but it is important to prepare yourself and go for it.
INTERVIEW: What did you do for fun when you were a kid?
DAHYUN: I used play Gonggi Nori, which is played with 5 small stones. It is so fun to play! I also loved to play around with my friends on the playground—riding swings and playing on playgrounds.
INTERVIEW: What’s your favorite movie?
NAYEON: My favorite movies are The Notebook, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Wolf Children.
TZUYU: My favorite movie is Spirited Away. I’ve watched it so many times.
INTERVIEW: What do you like to do when you’re not working?
SANA: I love to shop! I also love to stretch—it’s very relaxing.
JIHYO: Having my own free time! I like playing games, shopping, watching TV, etc. Really anything that I can do myself.
INTERVIEW: Skincare advice?
MINA: Don’t rub your face! Use different creams and lotions to keep your face soft.
DAHYUN: Drink lots of water and get enough sleep. Try not to stress. Positive thoughts only!
INTERVIEW: What is your typical day like?
CHAEYOUNG: Life is different right now due to the virus. Before, we were all very busy with a schedule, but right now, I get to have some free time. I enjoy reading books and watching YouTube videos.
TZUYU: When I have a day off, I like to rehearse by myself, eat my favorite foods, and workout.
INTERVIEW: What is your favorite scent?
SANA: My favorite scent is candy-like, with a flower scent added.
JEONGYOEN: I like sweet scents like coconut and vanilla.
INTERVIEW: Who is your role model?
JEONGYEON: Rain. His power and charisma onstage is impressive, and I hope to have that one day.
TZUYU: J.Y. Park is my role model. His diligent attitude toward making music is admirable.