sound advice

Saddle Up Farmies, HorsegiirL Sleighed This Playlist


This is SOUND ADVICE, a weekly destination for playlists curated by Interview’s friends, enemies, and lovers. Over the past few weeks, we’ve gathered playlists from Sasha Colby, Amaarae, and Sextile. This week, our Fall issue’s finest mare, horsegiirL, joins us from her Berlin barnyard fresh off a new release. “f0rbiidden l0ve$tory” is her first drop since “My Barn My Rules” with MCR-T took TikTok by storm, enchanting farmhands around the world. This time around, she’s flipping Avril Lavigne on her tail: “He was a boy, she was a horse / Can I make it any more difficult?” She took a break from frolicking behind the DJ booth to make us a playlist titled “it’s pasture bedtime,” a thumping hayride of high-energy tracks from Crazy Frog to Brutalismus 3000, and tell us her favorite on-the-road snacks and mane maintenance tips.


Where do you dance? You know, when you’re a horse like me, there’s always a beat in your head to gallop to… I just can’t keep my hooves still. So the question should be: where don’t I dance! (「• ω •)「

What’s on your bedroom playlist? Music that will NOT HELP FALLING ASLEEP!!! Caution!!!

Fuck, marry, kill: Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music? Fuck Apple Music, Marry Soundcloud and Kill Spotify!

Headphones of choice? Skullcandy TI Chick Pink Fluffy Fur Headphones

What was your first concert? Whitney Horston or Peppa Pig on Tour, I don’t quite remember.

Name your favorite artist no one knows about: Mason Ramsey aka Walmart Kid (♡°▽°♡)

What song on this playlist makes you cry?Axel F” – Crazy Frog (ಥ﹏ಥ)

What song plays as you gallop into the sunset? Probably Hampton and the Hamsters – “Thank God I’m a Country Boy” or “Watermusic” by William Basinski.

Do you play an instrument? I play a good tune on the guitar and banjo of course. I know basic piano and as a foal I played the french horn and trombone in orchestras and jazz bands too.

Best mane maintenance tip? Apple Cider Vinegar instead of shampoo and lots of carrot oil for great shine!

Where’s the afters? Good question, this may come to you as a surprise but I’m not that much of an afters girl. I go out, I shake my ass, I get tired, I go home.

What’s the key to getting into Berghain? Be yourself and bring an open and positive mindset. Don’t go if you’re shocked by nudity or people expressing their sexuality freely. And avoid dressing like a straight American tourist (*^‿^*)

Favorite on-the-road meal? Carrot sticks, apples and oats!

What’s your country girl anthem? Dolly Parton – “River Of Happiness”!

What do you listen to when you’re high? Little Dragon – “High”!

Dream collaborator? Charli XCX and BABYMETAL!

What’s your DJing pet peeve? Honestly – DJ’s that take themselves too seriously (°◡°) Have fun babez x3

Who’s the queen of pop? I guess there’s many queens of Pop, depending on the era and what part of the world you’re in. My queens of Pop are: Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and Madonna.