Rapper FearDorian Hopes Their New Album Is Playing in Heaven


Photo courtesy of Feardorian.

Welcome to SOUND ADVICE, Interview’s weekly destination for playlists curated by our friends, enemies, and lovers. In recent weeks, we’ve featured playlists from Soccer Mommy, Wallows, and Will August Park. For this week’s installment, we turn to FearDorian, an 18-year-old rapper and producer hailing from Atlanta. Their sophomore album, Leaving Home, dropped last week, and the ideal setting in which to listen to it, they tells us, is on “a walk by yourself in slight rain, or in your room after a date gone well.” To celebrate the occasion, they crafted a playlist, with vibes ranging from SALEM to Alicia Keys, and answered our SOUND ADVICE questionnaire, where they got into their matcha preferences and notes app breakup texts.


Where do you dance? My bathroom & on my bed.

What’s in your system? Strawberry matcha right now.

Who do you trust most with the aux? Myself & no one else, maybe Quinn.

What song on this playlist makes you cry? All of them, but “ECSTASY REIGNS” right now.

What’s a music taste red flag? None. I am innocent of all red flags.

What are you DoorDashing to the studio? Probably some egg rolls, or wings.

Name your favorite artist no one knows about: Nini Tounuma!

The world is ending, what are you wearing? Striped shirt of some kind most likely, or my Chiodos hoodie.

Where’s the afters? My house lol.

What song do you have on repeat? “Audio” by Anna Lily.

What song do you wish you wrote? “Known It All, Seen It All” by Cities Aviv.

Dream collab, dead or alive? Cities Aviv, for sure + Mike & Earl Sweatshirt.

What does your notes app look like? Groceries, prewritten dialogue, lyrics & poems, breakup texts.

What’s the best setting to listen to Leaving Home? A walk by yourself in slight rain, or in your room after a date gone well, makes you feel like the man/woman.

What album is playing in heaven? Hopefully Leaving Home.