ViewGuy Romain Guillermic Is The Ambassador of French Dance

Romain wears Shorts by Prada. Underwear and Jewelry Romain’s own. Belt stylist’s own.
The 23-year-old performer is an “ambassador of French dance” who will soon share his acting debut with the world in Gaspar Noé’s Climax, a film one critic described as “Fame directed by the Marquis de Sade.” While movement is undeniably his medium, here five other things about our December ViewGuy that you should know.
1. “People in nightclubs inspire me because even if you’re not good technically, if you dance with your heart and your body, that’s good enough for me.”
2. “I’m right now finishing a workout with my crew, Electro Street. We’re preparing for the world championships of electro dance.”
3. “If I could learn a dance better, it’d be krump. It’s very intense, very inside your body. It’s not very technical, but it’s savage.”
4. “I met my crew 10 or 11 years ago, and we are always together. We travel the world dancing. We can do a one-minute choreography in ten minutes, because we’re so connected.”
5. “My favorite song to dance to? I love ‘Supernature’ by Cerrone. It’s the intro to Climax, and I’ve listened to it every day since I saw the movie.”