“I’m Probably Clinically Insane”: Meet Tramell Tillman, the Man Behind Severance’s Mr. Milchick

Tramell Tillman

Tramell Tillman wears Shirt and Pants Ami. Scarf Valentino.

Tramell Tillman spent years bouncing between office jobs before making the switch to acting, a career shift that ultimately led the 39-year-old D.C. native to one of the most unsettling roles on television. As Mr. Milchick, the turtlenecked supervisor on Severance, Tillman delivers a performance so tightly wound that it will trigger anyone who’s ever held down a corporate gig. To get to know him better, we asked him to fill out a questionnaire about what exactly it is that he does all day.


What does your work say about you?

I’m a perfectionist and probably clinically insane.

Who are you at work?

Focused. Most people believe I’m a serious, intense person, but I’m actually quite silly. At times I find myself having to hold back my goofiness in order to get my job done.

Who are you at home?

The goofy, quirky, spontaneous spirit most don’t see.

Tramell Tillman

Sweater Fendi. Shorts Gucci. Socks Valentino.

Do you feel more like yourself at work or at home?

I’m more of an introvert, so yes, I’m most myself at home.

Have you ever had a desk job?

Oh, yes! A few.

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

Serving as an abstinence educator for over 300 middle and high school students in Mississippi. The job wasn’t bad; the kids were great. I was the problem. I didn’t follow the rules set by my employers and developed my own curriculum. I didn’t lie to the students about sex. I wasn’t condemning them to hell for participating in premarital sex. I told them: Sex is great, but only in the confines of consent and preparedness. You have agency over your body and far be it for me to tell you what to do with it. But you have options, so let’s explore those.

Tramell Tillman

Sweater and Shoes Louis Vuitton. Shorts Moschino. Socks Valentino

If you could surgically remove one aspect of your work life, what would it be?

Performance reviews.

How much of your identity is tied to what you do for a living?

So much of who I am is tied to what I do. I remember the saying I heard growing up: If you’re going to do something, give it your all. Pour yourself into it. This is what I work toward in the projects I tackle. Now, this doesn’t mean the characters I play are me, but they do reflect aspects of my personality and experiences.

What’s a memory from work that you’ll never forget?

One of the many jobs I held while I was pounding the pavement in NYC was as a cater waiter. I had the opportunity to serve Harry Belafonte at a private party located in Michael Moore’s townhome. Mr. Belafonte is an icon, so it was an honor to serve him a pig in a blanket and offer him some chardonnay. Years later, I performed in the musical revival of Carmen Jones. One night, he attended. After the show, I was able to shake his hand and thank him for his contributions. There’s a photo and everything. It was a full-circle NYC moment.

Tramell Tillman

Shirt, Pants, and Belt Ferragamo. Shoes Versace.

What’s the last thing you forgot?

To eat.

What do you control?

I’m learning the only thing I have control over is myself, my emotions, and how I respond to life. As a former control freak, I now appreciate releasing the need for control. There’s so much freedom now.

Is there a memory you want erased?

Memories are moments in my life, which have shaped who I am. Where or who would I be without them?

Tramell Tillman

Jacket Balenciaga. Shirt Willy Chavarria. Pants Bottega Veneta.

Who’s your alter ego?

He doesn’t have a name, but I tell you what, if you go without feeding me for too long, you will meet him soon.

Does work give you meaning?

It depends on the work.

What’s your ambition?

To surprise myself and make god smile.

What makes you feel alive?

Food, music, great relationships, spontaneity.

What is your purpose?

To live a life unashamed, full of integrity, authenticity, love, light, and joy.

Jacket, Shirt, and Pants Versace.

Who’s your boss?

God and me.

What’s the ultimate form of punishment?

Watching what could have been, living a deteriorating life once full of potential.

Are happiness and productivity connected?

They can be, but not always. There are many people in this world whose talents, wit, and tenacity have led them to be productive. Yet, if asked if they were happy, few would say yes. Productivity doesn’t mean anything if it isn’t tied to purpose.

What happens when we die?

I don’t proclaim to know what happens when we die. I do believe we live on in the hearts, minds, souls, and the soil we’ve touched. When my time has come, I wish to be mixed in a nutrient soil and bolstered underneath a beautiful young oak tree. So as time goes by, growth and beauty are my resting place and the unmistakable proof of life after death.

Tramell Tillman

Sweater Gucci.


Grooming: Ruth Hernandez using iS Clinical and Nars.

Fashion Assistant: Jaden James.

Production Coordination: Claudia Malpeli.

Location: All Night Skate.