Remembering Candy

In the early ‘70s, Candy Darling was fastened to the downtown scene as both Warhol’s eccentric muse and an inspiration for the Velvet Underground’s protopunk music. It’s no wonder Warhol took an immediate liking to her—Darling embodied the self-invention, an idea that Warhol championed. With its mint green eye shadow and fuchsia nail polish, NARS Andy Warhol Collection captures the blonde bombshell’s penchant for an eccentric palette as sugary sweet as the name she chose for herself, Candy.
Here, we ‘ve sifted through a candidly fresh conversation between some of Interview’s, and Andys’, greatest friends: Candy Darling, Tinkerbelle, Glenn O’Brien and Ray Davies, in which Candy’s most vibrant true colors shine and we learn a bit more about the superstar– from her height to her outlook on love.
Ray: I’m not wealthy. I’ve never made that much. You probably don’t want to talk to me now.
Candy: People really are more interesting when they’re rich sometimes. You just can’t help but like them better.
Candy: How tall are you Ray?
Ray: With shoes on? I’m not very tall.
Candy: Five ten?
Ray: I’m actually near six foot!
Candy: That’s pretty tall.
Ray: Five foot eleven and three quarters.
Tinkerbelle: It’s funny in the fashion world it’s the ultimate to be the tallest, but a lot of men in general are just very uptight about being six foot three or five and always bumping their heads.
Candy: And that’s where you come in right?
Ray: How tall are you?
Tinkerbelle: Me? I’m five seven.
Candy: I’m five five! Five seven?! You wouldn’t be five seven if you stood on that chair! I’m only five nine!
Ray: Well looking out there (from the hotel window you can see the length of Central Park) it looks like Transylvania.
Candy: Yeah.
Ray: What’s that big building on the horizon.
Candy: Oh that’s where you rent the bicycles. I love inclement weather don’t you.
Candy: You’d be a good doctor; you’re very intelligent looking and sensitive.
Tinkerbelle: You could be Doctor Death.
Candy: “Calling Doctor Death….” You know if you ever have to call somebody up and they’re on the phone all you have to do is say you’re a doctor. I always say “This is Doctor Darling.”
Tinkerbelle: What kind of role would you like to play?
Ray: I think it would have to be something sensitive and maybe… sinister.
Tinkerbelle: Like Doctor Jekyll?
Ray: No. He’s really a sad character.
Tinkerbelle: What about OF HUMAN BONDAGE?
Candy: Oh that would be great. You could play the clubfoot and I could play Mildred.
Tinkerbelle: We always know what our favorite movies are because our whole fantasies are based on the movies we’ve seen.
Candy: Oh yeah. Our realities are based on the fantasies of the movies we’ve seen. I hate that word fantasy. It’s like a dirty word to me. All my life people have said to me, “you’re living in a fantasy.” But you can make your fantasy come true sometimes. Some people can.
Candy: Certain people are magnetic and they’re worth watching over and over…. I like to see people struggle to get ahead. I’m sick of these privileged type actresses.
Candy: You’ve been in Hollywood haven’t you?
Ray: Sure.
Candy: Do you like that sidewalk on Hollywood Boulevard?
Ray: Mmm’hmm.
Candy: where did you stay?
Ray: The Hollywood Hawaiian which is on Grace and Yucca. Yeah. It’s a very good hotel and it’s sixteen dollars a day.
Candy: I stayed at the Hollywood Roosevelt.
Ray: Oh you did!
Candy: And then I stayed at the Hollywood House Motel where all the lucky stars stay. Hollywood’s really pretty isn’t it? I like it because I like seeing the mountains in the distance.
Candy: What is your dream girl Ray? Are you married? Are you?
Ray: I have my dreams and my fantasies.
Candy & Tinkerbelle: Tell us about them!! Don’t be scared.
Ray: I told you I like short girls with long legs.
Candy: (to Tinkerbelle) It looks like you’re in.
Glenn: What don’t you look for?
Ray: I think the worst thing is when you have a tendency to depend on somebody too much.
Tinkerbelle: So you don’t like a woman who relies on you too much?
Candy: A clinging vine.
Ray: Yes!! My mother!!
Tinkerbelle: Do you mean rely on you financially, spiritually, and emotionally?
Candy: All those, and isn’t it terrible, that’s what so many women really need.
Tinkerbelle: It’s like a game. Don’t you think sometimes that love is like a game.
Candy: Love is like a seesaw.