Lefty Korine Gives Finn Wolfhard the Scoop on Her Jewelry Line

By Lefty was born in the aisles of a Miami Beach Michaels. It was in the arts and crafts store, amid glow-in-the-dark paints and tubes of wood glue, that Lefty Korine decided to give jewelry-making a whirl. As the daughter of the cinematic power couple Harmony and Rachel Korine, it’s no surprise that Lefty’s artistic musings have evolved into something of an internet craze. What began as a playful diversion has evolved into an actual label—technicolor chokers punctuated with plastic teddy bears and elegant strands laced with vintage glass charms evoke a simpler, more innocent, decidedly analog era. Here, the 12-year-old designer gives her favorite actor, the Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard, the scoop.



LEFTY KORINE: Hi! How’s it going?

WOLFHARD: Pretty good. I’ll try to make this quick and painless. Why did you decide to start By Lefty? Have you loved jewelry your whole life?

KORINE: Well, there was a lot of stuff I’d been wanting to buy but I had no money, so I decided to start a business. I looked up some ways to start a business, and I came across jewelry-making, so I went for it.

WOLFHARD: Do you wear your own stuff?

KORINE: Occasionally.

WOLFHARD: I guess it’s like walking around wearing your own merch, or listening to your own music. Were you always planning to call the brand By Lefty?

KORINE: At first it was called Sell These Jewels, but we decided to change it to something simpler, because that name was too long.

WOLFHARD: Sell These Jewels kind of sounds like an infomercial. Did you start this during the pandemic?

KORINE: That was one of the reasons it got going. We went to Michaels one day and got a bunch of stuff. The materials we’ve been using have gotten a lot better since then.

WOLFHARD: Well, you have two really incredibly artistic parents, so obviously you’re into art as well. Have you always been into making stuff? 

KORINE: I love painting.

WOLFHARD: What do you do while you’re making jewelry? Do you listen to music? 

KORINE: We watch TV in the background sometimes.

WOLFHARD: What’s your favorite show to watch in the background?

KORINE: Stranger Things.

WOLFHARD: You don’t have to say that!

KORINE: It’s my favorite show! 

WOLFHARD: Well, I’m glad. I’m going to ask you some rapid-fire questions and you can just answer with the first thing that comes to mind. What’s your favorite song to sing at karaoke?

KORINE: Any song by Dolly Parton. 

WOLFHARD: What ticks you off? 

KORINE: My parents!

WOLFHARD: Nice. What voice do you hear the most during the day? 

KORINE: My parents.

WOLFHARD: What’s the best thing you’ve ever bought on eBay?

KORINE: I actually buy some of the charms for By Lefty on eBay. Weird vintage beads and stuff.

WOLFHARD: What’s your most prized possession? 

KORINE: My bunny. It’s not a real bunny. It’s a little stuffed animal that I’ve had since I was a baby.

WOLFHARD: What is the best impression you can do of someone? 

KORINE: I can do a pretty good impression of my dad, I think.

WOLFHARD: What do you do in your impression of Harmony?

KORINE: Just lay down and eat food and watch TV.

WOLFHARD: [Laughs] What’s your favorite place on earth?

KORINE: My favorite place of all time is my sleepaway camp, which is in Maine. But my favorite place to live is probably Nashville. I miss it a lot.

WOLFHARD: That’s where you spent the first few years of your life, right? And then you moved to Florida when you were a little older?


WOLFHARD: But at least you get nice weather all the time. 

KORINE: It gets too hot sometimes. I miss the snow.

WOLFHARD: Who is the funniest person you know?

KORINE: My two best friends.

WOLFHARD: Do you have anything you want to ask me?

KORINE: Why won’t you come back to TikTok?
