There’s More to J Brand than Jeans

Skinny, cigarette, and cropped jeans: J Brand has been the off-duty model’s go-to denim brand since the late 2000s. But with its first-ever New York Fashion Week presentation this season, the label proved it could go on-duty, translating must-have denim into must-have everything else. Relaxed and clean, urban yet refined, J Brand showed a collection of shearling coats, chiffon blouses, suede trousers, leather jackets and vests. The color palette was strictly neutral—creative director Donald Oliver favored shades of grey, navy, black, and cream—and the emphasis was on texture.
Casting brought together the hottest runway girls, Interview favorites like Meghan Collison and Hanne Gaby Odiele, which gave the collection that model’s own, street-style edge.