quick fire
Ava Nirui Fields Some Questions From the Mind of Andy Warhol
Heaven by Marc Jacobs is an extension of the world that the fashion visionary has unfurled, collection after collection, over the past three decades. This time, Jacobs enlisted the designer Ava Nirui to help him realize the latest iteration—think teenage daydreams, toxic shock valley girls, candy ravers, and day-glo dystopia— of the Marc Jacobs fantasy. The pair’s collaboration, Heaven, embraces ’90s grunge with acid green accents, siamese teddy bears, and candy-hued jewelry galore. This fall, Heaven by Marc Jacobs dropped their latest collaboration with Doc Martens—a collection featuring heavy-soled footwear in bold prints. “I am deeply inspired by Marc and the people which make up his world,” Nirui told Interview. “Marc utilizes a lot of tartan in his runway collections, so I felt it made sense to incorporate this print into the collaboration…the new styles are perfect for Heaven fans to pair with their clothing.” Below, in honor of the grunge-inspired collaboration, Nirui answers a few questions from the mind of Andy Warhol.
INTERVIEW: Do you dream?
NIURI: Sometimes.
INTERVIEW: Showers or baths?
NIRUI: I find baths to be a revolting concept.
INTERVIEW: Is there anything you regret not doing?
INTERVIEW: What was your first job?
NIRUI: I worked at a pharmacy when I was 13 or 14, and I was fired after 3 months.
INTERVIEW: When do you get nervous?
NIRUI: When I don’t know the right answer.
INTERVIEW: Why can’t it just be magic all the time?
NIRUI: Exactly.
INTERVIEW: What did you have for breakfast?
NIRUI: I ran out the door this morning without eating breakfast.
INTERVIEW: What are you reading right now?
NIRUI: I’m not reading anything right now… the last thing I read was a textile book my friend recommended to me.
INTERVIEW: Where do you dance?
NIRUI: In my kitchen… Watching TikTok videos.
INTERVIEW: Who’s your dream date?
NIRUI: Keanu Reeves.
INTERVIEW: What do you think about love?
NIRUI: Waste of time and energy. LOL.
INTERVIEW: What’s the craziest thing a fan has sent you?
NIRUI: I never get sent anything but I was walking around in Soho last year and a very sweet boy gave me a shirt with my face on it.
INTERVIEW: What is one beauty secret you can share with us?
NIRUI: You can use Lucas Paw Paw ointment on anything.
INTERVIEW: What’s your favorite movie?
NIRUI: I don’t have one favorite. Nowhere, Being John Malcovich, and The Virgin Suicides are tied for first place.
INTERVIEW: Are you interested in furniture?
NIRUI: Yes! Anything plastic and colorful.
INTERVIEW: What kind of clothes do you like?
NIRUI: All clothes, but lately I haven’t had any desire to shop. It’s starting to stress me out.
INTERVIEW: Do you have a TV?
NIRUI: Yes, I unfortunately do.
INTERVIEW: What do you love about New York City?
NIRUI: I love that you can go wherever you want, whenever you want.
INTERVIEW: Do you think Americans have good taste?
NIRUI: Unsure.
INTERVIEW: Do you keep a diary?
NIRUI: No, but I need to.
INTERVIEW: What are you most proud of?
NIRUI: My collection of vintage toys that I’m pretty sure are all haunted.
INTERVIEW: Do you get eight hours a night?
NIRUI: Absolutely not.
INTERVIEW: How many hotels have you been kicked out of?
NIRUI: Zero—is that a common thing?