Chrome Hearts Promises You Will Win Silver

For the past two weeks we’ve cheered not just American athleticism but the return of all-American style, embodied in Ralph Lauren’s jaunty garb for the closing ceremonies to the official snowboarding uniform of distressed jeans. The Olympics are over but the influence of the 1990s continues on, and Chrome Hearts has fittingly stepped up the patriotic fervor with an all-American sterling silver buckle worthy of Nickelodeon’s Hey Dude. The signature Chrome Hearts oversize sterling silver buckle would look perfect paired with a pair of all American jeans and maybe a ten-gallon hat. But you don’t need a horse and spurs for this look, you just need to have that all-American swagger. Should you need any other pointers, just take a look at Jeret “The Hurricane” Peterson’s incredible run. The aerialist skier pulled off wearing his oversize belt buckle with star spangled trousers while spinning fifty feet in the air. Fittingly Peterson won silver.