Chris Benz Gets Closer to God
Has Snooki’s look finally trickled up to high fashion? I couldn’t help but notice that volume is making a comeback. Last week, at the unveiling of the Chris Benz Resort 2011 collection in New York, Redken Session Stylist John Ruidant built mountains of hair that recalled the 50s housewife (above). Taking inspiration from Pat Nixon and Jackie O, John used a one-inch curling iron and bobby pins to achieve this look. Even those with long hair can pull it off (see Snooki). Ruidant says: “Pull hair into a looped ponytail and secure ends by pinning under the nape of the neck to create the bob.” To create a more modern take on this trend, tease under the bangs, from the roots to mid way down your hair shaft and pull it back into a half-up, as seen here by Madonna. Those with hair that tends toward flatness should load up on volumizer ahd hair spray. The more stick, the better (try Phytovolume Actif Maximizing Volume Spray for Fine Limp Hair).
Sarah Howard is the editor of Beauty Banter.