Behind the Scenes: Dior Blue
Christian Dior once said, “Among all the colors, navy blue is the only one which can ever compete with black, it has all the same qualities.” For Dior’s Fall/Winter 2017 ready-to-wear collection, Creative Director Maria Grazia Chiuri chose to delve into one of Mr. Dior’s favored hues with a navy blue-focused collection. Dior’s dyer played an integral part in achieving the dynamic shade of blue. Above, in a behind-the-scenes interview, the dyer recounts the exceptionally delicate process of coloring fabric by hand. “There’s no formula,” he says, relying on his own expertise to create the perfect navy blue. “Color is like gymnastics for your head.”
To see our photos from backstage at the Dior Fall/Winter 2017 show, click here.