Weekend News Roundup! Samuel
L. Jackson Isn’t Going to Stop
Happy Monday! Here’s our compendium of pop culture news you may have missed while you were doing more important things over the weekend.
• Some New Yorkers spent the weekend protesting police brutality; others spent it throwing up in red polyester. A few people did both. [Gothamist]
• Samuel L. Jackson is “calling out the violence of the racist police” via song. He wants other celebrities to join him. [E!]
• D’Angelo’s new album Black Messiah came out at 12 am this morning (actually). The first single “Sugah Daddy,” contains the words “pussy fart.” [Time, Pitchfork]
• Exodus won the box office, but it wasn’t a particularly competitive weekend. [BOM]
• By far the best email to come out of the Sony hacking thus far is this one by Channing Tatum. [Gawker]
• On that note, Sony’s lawyers sent a letter to The New York Times, The Hollywood Reporter, Gawker etc. telling them to delete all information obtained from stolen documents. [NYT]
• Jeremih (“Birthday Sex“) and a few of his friends got arrested for trying to sneak on a plane after boarding had closed. [NYDN]