Weekend News Roundup! Ke$ha at Coachella and Clooney for Hillary
Happy Monday! Here’s our compendium of pop culture news you may have missed while you were doing more important things over the weekend.
• Coachella kicked off this weekend. Surprisingly, in the midst of her battle against Dr. Luke, Ke$ha made an appearance. [NY Daily News]
• J.J. Abrams and Chris Rock trashed Batman v. Superman at a talk for The Tribeca Film Festival. [Vulture]
• HBO released a teaser trailer for Beyonce’s short “Lemonade,” which will be released later this week. [Pitchfork]
• Disney’s The Jungle Book won the box office this weekend, making over $100 million. Barbershop: The Next Cut came in second place with just over $20 million. [BOM]
• George Clooney hosted a million-dollar fundraiser for Hillary Clinton this weekend, while his next-door neighbor hosted one for Bernie Sanders. [The Wrap]
• Johnny Depp and Amber Heard released an apology video for illegally bringing Heard’s dogs onto Australian soil. Heard plead guilty but will not be facing any jail time. [EW]
• The season five finale of Girls aired last night. This was the penultimate season for the HBO smash hit. [Gothamist]