True Blood

The second season of HBO’s True Blood kicks off on June 14. In case any of you missed the bloody phenomenon – it’s a series about the undead. Below we’ve asked some of this season’s stars to give us their thoughts on immortality, Twilight, and celebrity vampires.
Mehcad Brooks
Where are you from?
I’m from beautiful and green Austin, Texas.
How did you get into acting?
I watched Eddie Murphy Raw and Delirious every day after school in elementary and middle school before my parents got home. I realized that entertaining people was a career and I thought I’m already doing that I may as well be paid for it.
If you were immortal, what would you do differently from what you do now?
If I were immortal…nothing. Because I would have plenty of time to correct my many mistakes.
Can the vampire universes of True Blood and Twilight peacefully coexist?
Of course. It’s not like the democrats and the republicans. Twilight is amazing. Jackson Rathbone and Edi Gathegi from the film are friends. But I think our vamps are the ones the adults watch when they tuck the kiddies into their twilight sheets and knickers.
What would a rumble between the two casts look like?
We could always have a “vamp-off” which was very common in 15th century Wallachia and current day New Orleans. But my prediction is after a couple rounds they’d be begging for their undead mothers.
If you could read minds like Anna Paquin’s character Sookie, whose mind would you read?
Dick Chaney. Come on. You know you want to know too.
Which celebrity do you suspect is most likely to be a secret vampire?
In that “cool vamp” way…Nick Cage. In the traditional sense of the matter… there are plenty of parasites. Not too many secretive about that.
What’s your favorite vampire movie, book, or TV show besides True Blood?
Bram Stoker and Nosferatu.
What’s the scariest or strangest thing that¹s happened on the set of the show?
Love scenes scare me like Carrie Prejean’s politics.
Valerie Cruz
Where are you from?
Originally from Elizabeth New Jersey…but moved around a lot all of my life. Spent majority of my time though in various parts of Arizona and Des Moines, Iowa growing up.
How did you get into acting?
I always had an appreciation for the arts. My mom had me reading by four so I lived in books. She was always really good about taking us to museums and shows when I was a child. I grew up playing the cello and writing quite a bit. I guess I caught the acting bug after seeing a touring company of CATS in Des Moines when I was thirteen. It was pretty much the most amazing and moving thing I had set my eyes on up to that point. So I started acting in High School, and then continued my studies at Florida State University where I received a BFA in theater.
If you were immortal, what would you do differently from what you do now?
Wow, probably wouldn’t worry as much. I figure if I had eternity to sort it all out, stressing out or being upset would be rather futile and silly right?
Can the vampire universes of True Blood and Twilight peacefully coexist?
I don’t know…I think maybe the True Blood vampires would be jealous of the Twilight vampires for being so sparkly and shiny in the sun…they are the supermodels of the vampire world…and I think that we have all seen that supermodels and humans have difficulties with peaceful coexistence…a la the Naomi episodes.
What would a rumble between the two casts look like?
I think it would a little like the rumble in West Side story…with lots of hair product and fancy dance numbers and lots of hot men! And Yes I think the True Blood Vampires would definately crush the sparkly Twilight Vamps, without question.
If you could read minds like Anna Paquin’s character Sookie, whose mind would you read?
Every politician. Finally get some real answers…although it might be a scary proposition.
Which celebrity do you suspect is most likely to be a secret vampire?
Dakota Fanning….because it is probably the least obvious choice right?
What’s your favorite vampire movie, book, or TV show besides True Blood?
I did a lot of research before I started work on the show so i think I can say without question Bram Stokers Dracula. It is just freaking amazing! Gary Oldman is just superb as Dracula. I am also a big fan of the Underworld series.
What’s the scariest or strangest thing that’s happened on the set of the show?
Nothing unusual really comes to mind…but we were shooting on location at one of the countries biggest cemeteries…and that was a little creepy but interesting.
Sam Trammell
Where are you from?
I am originally from Louisiana, Texas, North Dakota, then for the most part Charleston, West Virginia.
How did you get into acting?
I had never acted in my life until the last semester of my senior year at Brown University. A friend who was an actor suggested I audition for The New Plays Festival where a number of graduate student plays are produced. They needed a bunch of actors. I auditioned, was cast, and was immediately taken with it. I did a couple more plays before I graduated and then moved straight to New York City to pursue a career.
If you were immortal, what would you do differently from what you do now?
If I was immortal I’d probably take a day off and just chill out–no need to rush.
If you could read minds like Anna Paquin’s character Sookie, whose mind would you read?
I’d want to read my 2 and a half year old niece’s mind.
Which celebrity do you suspect is most likely to be a secret vampire?
Marie Osmond for sure.
What’s your favorite vampire movie, book, or TV show besides True Blood?
“Let the Right One In”
What’s the scariest or strangest thing that’s happened on the set of the show?
We were driving out in the middle of nowhere in Louisiana to shoot a scene on a Lake last year. We turned a corner and I realized we were in a town my great Aunts and Uncles grew up in. 13 were buried in the grave there. In the scene, I ended up running naked across land once owned by my great, great Grandfather.
To read our interview with Anna Paquin, click here.