Sister Sister
Sydney Lynn and Devon Lee Carlson On Vaping and Cry-Laughing

All photos courtesy of Devon and Sydney Carlson
Sydney Lynn and Devon Lee Carlson are just like us: they burn sage and blast Frank Ocean, get drunk and give strangers their numbers, and cry-laugh about it all at Jack’s Wife Frieda. But the princesses of Los Angeles aren’t your average VSCO girls. When they’re not taking fit pics with Bella Hadid or traveling the world for modeling gigs, the sisters are hard at work on their accessories brand, Wildflower Cases. Below, the duo ask each other a few questions about their favorite memories, and tell us what they do when no one is watching.
DEVON LEE CARLSON: Hi Interview! It’s Devon Lee.
DEVON: And we’re here to answer your burning questions. I know this wasn’t supposed to be a video but you guys are getting a video.
SYDNEY: You’re getting a video. Okay, when was the last time you lied?
DEVON: Today when we were driving to the shoot and I said we were running fifteen minutes late.
SYDNEY: It was more than that.
DEVON: It was like thirty. What’s your favorite memory of me?
SYDNEY: [Laughs]
DEVON: It can be just a regular one, it doesn’t have to be anything crazy.
SYDNEY: A regular one…Where were we recently where I made you laugh so hard?
DEVON: Jack’s Wife Frieda [Laughs]
SYDNEY: She was crying! There were actual tears going down her face.
DEVON: You were being funny that day. It’s because she went out the night before and when Sydney’s drunk—
SYDNEY: I was hungover.
DEVON: She gives everyone her phone number, and so, she was reading her text messages from the night before. Ok my turn.
SYDNEY: Do you get shy on camera?
DEVON: Obviously. [Laughs]
SYDNEY: I know.
DEVON: On like set’s and stuff I get really shy. It feels like dance again when you have to perform alone.
SYDNEY: [Laughs]
DEVON: So we just recently did a collaboration with About Face and we’re really excited about it. What was your favorite part in working on the collab?
SYDNEY: The whole day was fun and working with friends was fun. What’s coming next for Wildflower?
DEVON: Oh my God. It’s something that I don’t know if people are going to be ready for, but it’s time.
SYDNEY: That’s all.
DEVON: That’s the hint. What’s the last thing you got in trouble for?
DEVON: Vaping at the Olivia Rodrigo concert! [Laughs]
SYDNEY: Oh yeah, literally last night. Was that last night?
DEVON: That was two nights ago.
DEVON: What do you do when no one’s watching?
SYDNEY: It’s really predictable. Every day I light incense and I walk around with sage and blast the same Frank Ocean playlist on repeat.
DEVON: Sydney gets really emotional the second she’s alone.
SYDNEY: And Dru walked in on me one time and was like, “Do you ever get bored of like hearing the same exact thing every single day?” And I don’t.
DEVON: Do you remember the playlist that we used to get ready to in the morning before school? Your were always blasting EDM.
SYDNEY: [Laughs] you’re not supposed to say that!
DEVON: We would download it all off of Limewire. But we would listen to the same songs every morning. I think we just like to listen to the same thing.
SYDNEY: Yeah, so that’s what I do when no one’s watching.
DEVON: Thank you Interview we love you!
SYDNEY: Thanks for letting us interview us, Interview!