Celebrity Psychic Wendy L’Belle-Tividad Taps Into the Frequency of Love

Wendy L'Belle-Tividad

Wendy L’Belle Tividad wears Dress and Necklace Wendy’s Own. Gloves Acquired Vintage.

Soul hacker, light worker, and Kundalini-awakened intuit to the stars Wendy L’Belle-Tividad tells her client, the painter Ariana Papademetropoulos, how she keeps her heart chakra wide open.


TUESDAY 5:56 PM JAN. 7, 2025 LA

WENDY L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: Okay. What do you want to ask me about? 

ARIANA PAPADEMETROPOULOS: I want to talk about your Kundalini awakening and how you became you. I think it’s interesting if we have this conversation while we’re in the field.

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: This is my half-and-half, because when I’m in deep trance, my Wendy consciousness drops and my higher-self energy fully takes over. But I’m in a light trance state, so this is juggling.


L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: You wanted to know about what happened?

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: Yeah. I want to know how it all happened.

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: Well, in 2013 I had my heart broken open. We were talking about heartache, and the suffering that leads to us opening and awakening more. I had been—how much do you want to know?

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: How much do you want to let us know? 

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: It’s very private, but I can probably tell the story without hurting anyone’s feelings. Something happened that broke my heart open. I was in deep, deep pain, and I felt like I was vibrating. I began doing deep trance channeling where I could go into a trance state, and I would know things. Some of those things were big global things that I predicted accurately. Then I started reading for people. I can take on the mannerisms of people that I’m reading. Say you were talking to me about your mom. I could start imitating your mom and saying things that she says. That happens a lot in my sessions. In real life, I’m not someone who can imitate people at all. But anyway, they were very intense readings. I saw that I could tap into people who are beyond the veil, no longer in physical form.

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: But they’re still here in some way?

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: They’re still here. We’re not normally tuning in to their frequency, but they’re still available to us. I do that every day. People call it mediumship. I just say I read energy. It doesn’t matter if it’s physical or non-physical, everything has an energy signature, even houses, animals, plants. I just tap into it. If you ask me about somebody, I will go into their field and talk about them. You know that. You’ve had enough readings.

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: Yeah. I feel like you are able to see another reality that’s more real than this one. Could you describe how energy and frequency work for a person that doesn’t really know?

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: I don’t fully understand it, I just do it. It’s putting your brain waves in a certain place and having your heart chakra open to love. Being in a vibration of love helps you see beyond what the physical world is showing us. It’s a right brain activity. Before I started helping people, I was doing art full-time. Sometimes I would draw for 14 hours a day. My right brain is very developed. It’s like using a muscle, but there’s also a softening of the heart.


L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: I read for a real skeptic yesterday. I downloaded everything about his business. I don’t know anything about his industry, so it was very funny. I actually taught myself about NFTs by reading for somebody.

Wendy L'Belle-Tividad


L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: There’s just different ways of perceiving. We’re all so connected; separation is part of the lie to feel like we are disconnected from one another. But ultimately, the reason I can go into someone’s field and perceive, and then say, “I’m formless, I’m you now,” is because there is no separation. I can feel from that person’s perspective. I have so much compassion. Instead of just saying, “Oh, that must’ve been difficult for you” or “that must’ve been hard for you,” we’re understanding it like it’s us. Do you understand what I mean?

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: Yes, I do. Because I remember you said you had a Kundalini awakening. When you first had it, it was hard to control what you could take in and what you couldn’t. If you went out, you could almost hear what everybody was feeling.

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: Yeah, but I don’t hear audio. It’s more like I’m feeling overwhelmed energetically. I would wrap my head and my third eye. Imagine a radio that’s playing various songs at once. You’re being bombarded, but in this case it’s a bombardment of energy. I would feel very overwhelmed. My crown chakra was way too open.


L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: It’s incredibly refined now, whereas before when I would go into deep trance, it was like using a thousand-watt light bulb to get information. Now I can use a ten-watt and I don’t have to exhaust myself energetically. I can still get information for people and help them. There’s so much more to the story, but I’m grateful for all the work I get to do and all the people I get to meet. 

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: I feel like everyone in a way feels that. Like you go to a party, and you’re like, “Ooh, that had a bad vibe.” You can’t say exactly why, but you just have this feeling.

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: Yeah, because we’re all intuitive. This is a telepathic universe we live in, we just aren’t used to using it. I teach an intuition class, and I love teaching it because people have ridiculously wild experiences. There’ve been so many crazy moments during soul gazing exercises that a student says their partner has disappeared in front of their eyes. It’s happened three times in classes.

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: Where do they go?

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: They’re just no longer there. You can’t see them anymore.


L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: I guess if you think that it’s holographic, that would kind of make sense. But I just think the world is way different than what we’ve been taught. I think we create thought forms. I think sometimes people pick up on other people’s thought forms. Keeping our energy really clean and clear and not sending anything other than love back to the light is important. Having discipline with our thoughts is important.

Ariana Papademetropoulos

Ariana Papademetropoulos wears Dress Acquired Vintage.

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: To only think good thoughts?

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: You can acknowledge things, but you don’t let it carry you forward. You learn to be mindful, and you put it somewhere else. It’s like, “I notice that I’m having this thought, and I don’t want it to attach to me.” I say, “Only love and light exist.” I send it back into the light. It’s kind of keeping a clean house.

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: Right, housekeeping.

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: Yeah, with your thoughts, and also with your feelings towards others. Most people just really want to be loved. There’s those who don’t; they’ve had trauma, pain, or some situation that makes them push love away. But ultimately, I do believe even they really want to be loved. We self-sabotage a lot in this world. Haven’t you noticed people waking up more around you though?

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: Totally. I’ve been making the same kind of work forever, but now people are more interested in the mystical world.

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: And expanding themselves. They’re not afraid to change. It’s like they’re becoming more aware of themselves and more aware of when they’re doing something that’s hurtful towards themselves or others. We all need to be updating ourselves. We can grow, we can change, we can evolve. There is a paradigm shift happening.

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: Even if it feels like the world is going through all these shifts that people could perceive as dark—

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: It becomes the light. Remember, when I was in deep trance, I was laughing saying even the bad things that happen can shift us closer to the light. Sometimes we need something to nudge us. It can be something that has been buried for a long time that makes us shift. Even if it appears bad or upsetting, if it comes into our awareness, then we can actually change it, or find more compassion in our hearts because of it.

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: I guess the reason I’m so interested in working with you is because I’m an artist and I get all these visions. I don’t know where they come from, but you can visualize them as if they’re a real place. You do that not just for me, but for other artists and musicians. That makes me feel like, “Oh, it’s not fantasy.” Some- where it’s real. I wonder if you can describe going to those different creative worlds. Is it like a channel that you’re tuning into?

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: I love helping people. Sometimes when I’m reading for people, I might start with the past life or a past experience where there was trauma. Then I might go into the present, and then I might go to the future. But as soon as I latch on to the creative, what someone’s working on, my energy gets so excited because I think of it like god is creativity. There’s a lot to latch on to when someone is working on a project, because they are usually excited about it. You have such an imaginative world. It’s like a field of information that you’re streaming, and I’m tapping into it. I’m seeing things with my third eye. I am not seeing them with my physical eyes. I’m downloading what I’m being shown. Sometimes I say, “I see this,” and it sounds like I’m actually physically seeing it, but I’m not. I’m just being given it. Does that make sense?


L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: I’m seeing rainbows, but I’m downloading it. I’m knowing it. P

APADEMETROPOULOS: You told me that you see it sometimes in the “no time.” What’s no time? 

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: We’ve made it this physical thing of time, but ultimately there is no time. When I’ve been in deep trance, I’ve seen everything is almost going at the same time. Like Egypt, the whole thing with the pharaohs, and the pyramids, everything felt like a second ago. I just was. I don’t know that we fully understand all of that. There are probably people who know a lot more about that than I do. 

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: I guess it’s interesting because people who are interested in quantum physics are often also interested in psychic phenomena, because it’s a way to describe how you can bounce from world to world.

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: When I had my awakening early on, I kept saying that the world isn’t real. I kept saying it’s all code and programming. I was very upset by it. I remember sitting on my bed feeling quite depressed. It felt like I’d been tricked. Like, “Everything I thought was real is not real.” Then I found someone who wrote an article, and it actually grounded me and made me feel better. His name is Nick Bos- trom. He wrote the simulation theory [“Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?”], which has become more mainstream now.

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: I’ve only had the feeling of a simulation when I felt really deeply in love, where I felt like someone had made a potion and they pressed a couple buttons or something. I was feeling this drug of love. I felt like, “This can’t be real.” I am wondering if the simulation could be described like that feeling that you’re going to do something, but there’s a higher power to it.

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: I really believe in a higher power. I really believe in source, god, and that we all come from light. I love to talk about faith, and not from a religious viewpoint, but when we really have trust and faith in something beyond ourselves, it’s a surrender practice. I talk about that in my intuition class, because it’s hard for us to surrender. Just naturally, as humans, we want control. I’m not saying we should be passive, but it’s becoming part of the flow of where we’re meant to go, where we surrender, and we don’t feel like we’re fighting with something within ourselves. We’re trusting that we’re being led to the right place for our soul. Whatever is meant for us is coming towards us. It’s very interesting, because there’s such a dichotomy between surrender and manifesting, right?

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: Right. How do you do both, surrender and manifest?

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: The past two months, I’ve had the most bizarre, extraordinary experiences that feel like things have just been flowing towards me. The universe is just saying yes to me constantly. As soon as I think, “Oh, maybe I shouldn’t do this,” and I nudge my energy slightly away, somebody else comes in to say, “You’re supposed to do this.” I’m getting loud guidance constantly. It’s like you move towards the flow. Manifesting is different. It’s like, “I want to be positive, and I want to have some idea of where my life is going.” Our words matter. What we think matters. A lot of times we can have very negative conversations with ourselves. They can stop us from doing what our heart really desires. I know a lot of people who are so gifted and so talented. Because of different situations where they didn’t feel like they could succeed, they might stop doing art or writing. It might be something small like a parent saying something negative to them when they were little, and they believed it. That became their story. I think in that case, having positive affirmations and changing your perspective of yourself really helps a great deal.

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: I feel like when I’m on my path, I get all these signs. “Okay, go here, go here, do this.” How do you get into that flow state where you can see the signs? L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: I think that it’s when our heart chakra is really open. It’s almost like your energy is flowing through your body in perfect harmony. You’re not sitting there thinking about why you’re mad at your boss or why things always happen to you that make your life bad. You’re not going to get there from that place. You have to be in an open, receptive place. It’s almost like the universe is working through you. Then you can start noticing the signs. You feel like you’re being divinely guided. It’s a shift in perception, but it’s also a shift in frequency because everything is a vibration.


L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: If you’re in a lower frequency and you’re mad, you’re not going to notice those signs because you’re in the frequency of anger. Your energy’s not going to be flowing. You’re going to be distracted with everything that’s wrong. It’s getting yourself into a place vibrationally where you are connecting to the divine, which is love. We can manifest re- ally fast when we’re at a higher frequency, when we are vibrating to the frequency of love. It’s all about the heart being open. It’s about forgiveness. It’s one of probably the most important things that we can learn while we’re here. That’s why we’re here, is we have these lessons and these experiences, and we get to learn constantly. Everyone has a story, and then they’re upset with this person. There’s all these stories going around, but they’re all experiences so that we can learn to forgive. I always say, “This person has taught me how to stretch my love further. This person has taught me how to love more.” I keep stretching my love further and further. That’s what I feel like my practice is right now.


L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: I love you. 

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: I love you too. Is there anything else? 

L’BELLE-TIVIDAD: You’re just amazing, and your work is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your light, and thank you for sharing my light. 

PAPADEMETROPOULOS: Thank you, we love you.

Wendy wears Boa Acquired Vintage. Bodysuit Wendy’s Own. Ariana wears Bodysuit Acquired Vintage.