“He Loves to Do My Dishes”: Getting Personal With the Internet’s Favorite Situationship

Veronika Slowikowska and Kyle Chase

All photos courtesy of Veronika Slowikowska and Kyle Chase.

Veronika Slowikowska and Kyle Chase are the internet’s favorite situationship. Whether these roomies and podcast co-hosts are actually dating is a topic of intense curiosity—in fact, it keeps a surprising number of people on Reddit up at night. In the ongoing, minute-and-a-half-long series of sketch comedy videos that the pair began posting on Instagram and TikTok in 2023, the setup is simple: Veronika and Kyle are roommates. Veronika is strange, known for her eccentricities, while Kyle mostly plays the straight man. First, Veronika has a crush on Kyle, then Kyle realizes he has a crush on Veronika. The story dovetails from there, becoming increasingly meta and absurd. It’s a perpetual modern screwball set in a two-bedroom in Greenpoint that will have you diving deep into their Instagram pages to ultimatelt discover that there was no real beginning—and there’s no end in sight. In this week’s Search History, we slid into the pair’s DMS to discuss their roommate dynamics and see if we could get answers to everyone’s burning questions about their real-life love.


JULIETTE JEFFERS: Hi guys! Are you both in NYC right now?

KYLE CHASE: We are both here. Getting ready to go to Atlantic City for the weekend for Michael’s birthday.

JEFFERS: Cute. To start off: A/S/L?

CHASE: Haha. 30. Yeesh. I’m still getting used to that.

SLOWIKOWSKA: 29/Female/Greenpoint.

JEFFERS: What’s the first thing you both do when you wake up?

SLOWIKOWSKA: I head to a Pilates class at 8:30.

CHASE: We’re both kind of gym-heads so I make coffee and then head there. 

JEFFERS: Love it. What’s in your system right now?

CHASE: Caffeine, a chocolate coconut donut from Peter Pan, and the new Playboi Carti album.

SLOWIKOWSKA: Water, English breakfast tea with honey, the show Sister Wives. And fine, half a donut.

JEFFERS: Health is wealth. And what were your last three Google searches, respectively?

CHASE: Oh boy.

SLOWIKOWSKA: “Canadian dollar to US dollar, Broadway plays, Mel Robbins.” Yup.

CHASE: This is not even a joke: “PLTR, Harry Potter Sorting Hat quiz, Adaptation release year.”

Veronika Slowikowska Veronika Slowikowska

JEFFERS: What Hogwarts house are you?

CHASE: Hufflepuff.

JEFFERS: Slay. What about Veronika?

SLOWIKOWSKA: I don’t believe in that shit. Truly, I don’t remember. Ravenclaw? Do you remember, Kyle?

CHASE: I think you were Ravenclaw.

JEFFERS: Cool. Can you both send a fit pic?

CHASE: Like what we’re wearing right now?


SLOWIKOWSKA: Hovvy Merch, Vintage Levi’s, and Uggs of course.

CHASE: Michael took that for me just now.

JEFFERS: Thank you, Michael. What’s the best and worst part about being roommates?

SLOWIKOWSKA: Best part is having my best friend to do everything with me and I don’t have to invite him over. Worst part is when he eats my hot Cheetos. Oh, and Kyle always does the dishes, including mine, and that rocks.

CHASE: The best part is cooking for two and having a best friend to watch shows with and keep me in check. The worst part is doing dishes for two.

JEFFERS: The dishes can tear a house apart, so I think you have a good system. 

SLOWIKOWSKA: He LOVES to do my dishes.

CHASE: Honestly, I think I just do them better so I’m happy to do it.

Veronika Slowikowska

Veronika Slowikowska and Kyle Chase.

JEFFERS: What’s your weirdest fan encounter? Either together or separately.

CHASE: Veronika, I’ll let you go haha.

SLOWIKOWSKA: I was on a show once and someone pretended to be me and got into the green room? Really scared me. Please don’t pretend to be me. Be you. There’s no one better. 

JEFFERS: That’s actually scary.

SLOWIKOWSKA: Also the security guard fully didn’t do his job. He checked my ID after he already let her in without checking hers. 

JEFFERS: Did she look like you?

SLOWIKOWSKA: Not even a little bit.

JEFFERS: Was this in New York?

SLOWIKOWSKA: Yes! So crazy!

JEFFERS: But there’s never been a Kyle impersonator?

SLOWIKOWSKA: I don’t think anyone would dare to try to impersonate the tallest most handsome guy in New York City. 

CHASE: Easy now…

JEFFERS: They could never. What are you naming your baby?

CHASE: We haven’t really settled on a name but…


CHASE: We’re thinking either Rocko or Jack.

SLOWIKOWSKA: Both are good.

JEFFERS: Rocko is kind of a dog name, but I’m here for it.

CHASE: It just felt magical to both of us.

Veronika Slowikowska and Kyle Chase

JEFFERS: Speaking of, how much time/prep goes into each video?

CHASE: It really depends. Sometimes we think of an idea on the spot and it’s done in five minutes. Other times, it’s quite the opposite. 

SLOWIKOWSKA: Not a sexy answer, but usually we have meetings to talk about stuff that’s been inspiring us. We also discuss what we’ve written throughout the week in our Notes apps. Then we’ll book shoot dates and take it really seriously. Other times it’s spur-of-the-moment and it’s quick and easy. The name of the game is always to be having as much fun as possible and to continue to impress ourselves. We think about what we would we want to see online and go from there.

CHASE: Couldn’t have said that any better.

JEFFERS: So you can probably guess what my final question is…

CHASE: How tall am I? I’ve always thought 6’2″ but my mom seems to think I’m still growing.

JEFFERS: And maybe she’s right. So are you guys really dating?

CHASE: You’ll just have to stay tuned and decide for yourself.

SLOWIKOWSKA: Yes and no and sometimes and no and maybe.

CHASE: Coy as ever…

SLOWIKOWSKA: Haha, so sorry.