Ebon Moss-Bachrach Brings Sarah Paulson Into the Kitchen of The Bear
June 27, 2023
“The last time I saw you, you were handing out your phone number to everybody on set, but I’d known you longer than any of those people and I still don’t have it.”

in conversation
Zachary Quinto and Sarah Paulson Let Themselves Lose Control
October 13, 2020
The actor from “The Boys in Band” connected with his friend and AHS co-star to discuss the acrobatics of acting, and the freedom in surrender.

Meet Rihanna, the Shy Gal
June 10, 2019
In the three years since her chart-topping eighth album, “Anti,” Rihanna has kept a relatively low profile—at least for one of the most famous women in the world.

Pedro Pascal
September 18, 2014
“I’ve known you since I was 18, is that enough research? I think that’s enough research.”

Elizabeth Olsen
January 7, 2012
The 22-year-old actress on the sudden achievement of indie “It-Girl” status, transcending celebrity-sisterhood and her life-changing year