Rob Delaney’s Social Scene
November 4, 2013
Rob Delaney’s debut memoir, rob delaney: Mother. Wife. Sister. Human. Warrior. Falcon. Yardstick (Spiegel & Grau), is a telling mix of his battles with alcoholism that lead to bed wetting, near-death accidents, and eventually a car crash that almost killed him.

Abigail Tarttelin’s Golden Age
May 21, 2013
British novelist Abigail Tarttelin’s Golden Boy (Atria Books) highlights the intense personal and societal struggles of an intersex 16-year-old named Max. Tarttelin’s effort as a 25-year-old woman to get inside the head of her protagonist, a transgender teenager, makes Golden Boy a riveting, evocative read.

Ad Hominem: John Kenney
January 25, 2013
John Kenney’s Truth In Advertising (Touchstone) is the rare novel that’s truly cinematic. It is sexy, the plot twists in just the right places; simply put, it’s untamable.

Yael Kohen Finds the Girls’ Club
October 17, 2012
Yael Kohen didn’t write We Killed: The Rise of Women in American Comedy (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) to add her voice to the tiresome debate about whether or not women are funny.

Amy Sohn’s Stroller Coaster
August 14, 2012
If you have three nannies, a seven-figure income, and a boat, it’s your duty to be interesting to the middle class. In Amy Sohn’s latest novel, Motherland (Simon & Schuster), the author dives into the lascivious secret lives of affluent, exclusive “brownstoners.”

Molly Ringwald is Happening
August 13, 2012
Molly Ringwald, now 44 and a mother of three, debuts her vivid first novel, When It Happens to You (Harper Collins), this week.

Lizz Winstead, Freely Speaking
May 9, 2012
Writer and comedienne Lizz Winstead did a lot for comedy and womankind even before she got the bright idea to co-create The Daily Show. In her literary debut, Lizz Free or Die (Gotham Books), she finally takes the time to share the truth about what is was like fighting to spark revolutions in television and radio.

Rachel Dratch is an Upper
March 28, 2012
When she left SNL and was quickly replaced on 30 Rock, Rachel Dratch found herself 40, single, and unemployed after seven years of living the dream with Fey, Fallon, and after-parties. “The only [role] offers I was getting were lesbians, secretaries and sometimes secretaries who are lesbians,” says Dratch.

Sara Benincasa Lets Us In
February 10, 2012
In her memoir Agorafabulous!: Dispatches from My Bedroom (Harper Collins), comedian Sara Benincasa brings you to the frontlines of her intense battle with mental illness.