Discovery: La Luz
April 17, 2013
La Luz means “the light” in Spanish. If we go with the metaphor, the light with which the Seattle foursome drenches the songs on their sold-out cassette Damp Face (Burger Records) must be refracted from lime-green ’50s muscle car hoods, amber costume jewelry, and the shiny black lacquer of a mirrored vanity covered in ripped photographs of an old flame.

Leigh Newman Faces North
April 3, 2013
Writing a memoir about your life and love without asking for sympathy requires a great deal of confidence. In Still Points North (The Dial Press), Leigh Newman bares her skin without dishonoring her past.

Forma’s Ideals
November 19, 2012
In Latin, forma means a shape or figure, but it is also a word to describe beauty. The implication is that the simplicity of form and structure in themselves, to the Romans, was the essence of grace. In Brooklyn, the band Forma has personified this ideal with their two releases.

Nguzunguzu’s Heart Rate
October 26, 2012
Nguzunguzu (pronunciation: en-goo-zoo, twice) live in Los Angeles, but the club mixes, albums, and remixes they create and produce drip with the sounds of the globetrotter.