The Next PICTURES Generation

Tokyo’s bright lights will be home to a worthy indoor spectacle of color next week. “PICTURES,” an exhibition featuring the tripped-out work of Sam Falls, Mariah Robertson, Marcelo Gomes, and Taisuke Koyama, opens Monday Nov. 7 at Diptrics, Inc. with a show of photographic abstractions. Its modus operandi: Not all pictures are photographs, but all photographs are “PICTURES.”
Says curator (and Interview contributor) Ken Miller, “Basically, the concept is ‘what is a photograph anymore’? It’s certainly not a realistic document, so why not explore the photographic image’s painterly qualities.”
On display will be the versicolor work of Brazilian-born photographer Marcelo Gomes, as well as the colorfully graphic and exquisitely technical photographs of Mariah Robertson. Taisuke Koyama, the show’s only Tokyo native, and no stranger to rainbow-bright photography, will also show alongside the minimally staged and equally distinctive work of artist Sam Falls, recently selected to create the cover for the 200th issue of Dazed and Confused magazine. All of them sit solidly but expreimentally in the category of photography, says Miller. “Taisuke’s line of questioning comes from what he chooses to photograph; Marcelo does this in how he photographs; Mariah through a multilayered printing process; and Sam does it by literally painting on photos.”
Miller is a natural fit, considering his years as editor-in-chief at Tokion magazine, which publishes American and Japanese editions, and preference for unique, casual photography as evidenced in his book, SHOOT. Tokyo’s Gallery Target are organizing the show, with Adidas Originals and FUJIFILM sponsoring.