Armchair Traveler: Defying Convention
The art world too global for you? Each week, Interview highlights in pictures the shows you’d want to see—if you could jetset from one international hub to the next.
Kameelah Janan Rasheed, Purchase the Proper Boots with which to Pull Yourself Up by the Bootstraps, 2014. On view at Jack Shainman Gallery in New York through July 29, 2016.
Jim Goldberg, Countess Vivianna de Blonville, 1982. On view at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco through September 5, 2016.
Robin Rhode, Blackness Blooms, 2015. On view at Stevenson Gallery in Cape Town, South Africa and Johannesburg, South Africa through August 27, 2016.
Mona Hatoum, Hot Spot III, 2009. On view at Tate Modern in London through August 21, 2016.
Armchair Traveler runs on Fridays. For more, click here.